Spring Photo Scavenger Hunt Date

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The trees are in bloom, the water is running high, and we know that you both are just dying to get outside. So grab your special someone, and your camera, because we’ve got a fun date idea for you—a spring photo scavenger hunt!

On this date, you’re going to take on the town using that little camera in your phone. (Or, even better, you can use an instant camera that prints the photos as you go, like the one below. It’s a modern upgrade from the Polaroids of fifty years ago.) We’ve created a scavenger hunt that will have you searching for and photographing the best parts of spring. Then you will put the photos you took into a memory book as a keepsake, a record of your romantic day together.

For those who don’t know what a photo scavenger hunt is, let alone how it works, the concept is simple: take pictures of the items on the list. Voila! This simple concept somehow makes for a wildly entertaining afternoon, and we've done all the prep work for you by creating a list of spring-inspired objects and actions. All you have to do is download it below and either print it or save it to your phone. Then bring it with you and let it guide you, giving you inspiration for what to take photos of.

Matthew still considers the photo scavenger hunt one of his favorite dates. The photo book I created after we did this date lives in our "memory box" and reminds us of the time we were uninhibitedly goofy in public. If you want to make a photo book of your own while on your date, try using the Fujifilm Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic, so your photos will print automatically as you take them. Then you can put them straight into a photo album like the Caiul Instant Photo Album.

(Read more… A Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Professional-Looking Photobook)


Spring Photo Scavenger Hunt

Time: 2+ hours  |  Cost:  $  |  Location:  Outdoors  |  Level:  Easy

When the snow clears and the flowers start to bloom it’s time to emerge from the comfort of our houses and get outside to have some fun. This date only requires you two and a camera. (Though, if you want, you can print out our photobooth props for added goofiness!) So get out explore! Get creative and make lasting memories.

What You’ll Need:

Printable Invite
Printable Photo Checklist
Printable Photo Booth Props (optional)
Kabob Sticks and Glue (optional)


  1. Download the free printables below—including the invite, checklist, and photo booth props—and print on quality cardstock, at home or at your local printing and shipping store. Cut out the pieces (we recommend using a portable paper cutter like this one). Using a dot of hot glue, adhere the sticks to the photo booth props, if using. Then, gather any other materials you may need.

  2. Deliver the invite to your date. You could leave it out on the counter one morning, send it via snail mail, pin it to your fridge, or come up with something else creative.

  3. Decide where to go for ideal pictures. A city park, pedestrian street, your backyard, or a woodsy hike could all work. Just remember that in crowded areas you will be on display taking goofy photographs. Choose somewhere meaningful to the both of you where you feel comfortable being yourselves.

  4. When your date arrives on the day of, travel to your location. Bring your materials with you, plus a water bottle, hiking shoes, selfie stick, or anything else that might come in handy where you are going.

  5. Once you arrive, say cheese! Work your way through the photo checklist in whatever order you choose. You can optionally set a time limit for a bit more adventure. I would recommend an hour to give you enough time for creativity.

  6. Get creative with it. This is your chance to experiment with different angles, colors, backdrops, focuses, poses, filters, settings, etc. And whenever you feel like it, use the photo booth props.

  7. Take any additional photos that you like. The checklist is just for inspiration.

  8. Use the photos you take to create a photobook remembering the occasion. It also makes for a great gift!

  9. Don't forget to share one of your pictures on instragram or facebook and tag us @makeadateofit or #makeadateofit!



How did your date go? Let us know on instagram @makeadateofit #makeadateofit

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